
BrainAdvizor Code of Ethics & Guidelines


Last Modified: June 23, 2021

As part of BrainAdvizor we will be engaging in self regulation relating to management of work stress and anxiety. Sub topics commonly discussed in our videos and podcasts are; positive psychology, positive psychology coaching tools, workplace wellness, mindfulness and more.

Your participation is always encouraged as it compliments your personal and professional development as well as the development of others. Online and mobile participation and collaboration are intended to enhance and support your learning experience through deep, consistent, engaging and intellectually stimulating conversation.

Remember that though these communications are virtual, the participants are not. At the other end of every discussion thread to which you contribute is one or more of your very human peers. They deserve and expect the same respect and courtesy from you as you deserve and expect from them. 

You will be required to self-regulate at all times when using BrainAdvizor and maintain a neutral or positive point of intention when engaging with fellow peers online. Curiosity is what we practice rather than judgement. We have a zero-tolerance policy for online bullying or shaming. Our online spaces are first and foremost, “safe spaces”, both psychologically and emotionally, to ensure that coaching and learning can be supported.  

Please be conscious of visual and auditory clues from body language when in any ZOOM face-to-face discussions, such as facial expressions and voice inflexions When in audio mode only please be aware that body language will be completely unreadable and unknown. When in text chat please note that tone and body language will not be readable for the most part so conveying the proper attitude and intent in this format calls for focus and mindfulness on the part of each participant. Particular care in the crafting of both your postings and your responses is requested.

In the very rare event that any abuse is noted during online or mobile discussions, the BrainAdvizor moderator will take necessary corrective action to protect our customers.  

To help you, here are the Code of Ethics and Guidelines for all BrainAdvizor Inc. online and offline discussions. Following them will help you maximize the learning experience that comes from using an online and mobile environment to discuss different personal development topics as well as to share and examine open-minded thoughts, ideas and opinions with online and mobile peers.

BrainAdvizor Code of Ethics 

1. Introduction

The BrainAdvizor Inc. Code of Ethics outlines the core values of BrainAdvizor Inc., along with the ethical standards of behaviour for all BrainAdvizor Inc. Professionals (see definitions) as is based upon the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the International Coaching Academy (ICA)’s ethical conduct. The observance of these ethical standards is a precondition of the BrainAdvizor Inc. core coaching expertise, in effect, to consistently and proactively demonstrate ethical practice by implementing and enforcing coaching ethics and standards. 

The BrainAdvizor Inc. Code of Ethics serves to uphold the integrity of BrainAdvizor Inc. and the global coaching profession by:

  • Establishing standards of conduct in agreement with BrainAdvizor Inc. core values and ethical principles.
  • Guiding ethical deliberation, awareness, and conscious decision-making.
  • Adjudicating and maintaining BrainAdvizor Inc. coaching standards at all times.
  • Providing a foundation for BrainAdvizor Inc. ethics training in BrainAdvizor Inc.-accredited programs in a clear and consistent manner.
  • The BrainAdvizor Inc. Code of Ethics states the ethical obligations of BrainAdvizor Inc. Professionals regardless of the role they are taking on.
  • This Code of Ethics applies when BrainAdvizor Inc. Professionals represent themselves, either directly or indirectly, in any kind of service-related interaction. 

This Code of Ethics is intended to assist persons subject to the Code by guiding them in the face of conflicting ethical factors that may need to be taken into consideration and directing them to identify alternative approaches to maintain ethical behaviour. Herein, conflicting ethical factors refers to encountering situations that require mitigating unexpected issues, resolving dilemmas and offering solutions to problems as they arise, as such is the challenge of working ethically.

BrainAdvizor Inc. Professionals who accept the Code of Ethics are expected to continuously strive to be ethical, regardless of situation or circumstance, make difficult decisions, and maintain confindence.

2. Key Definitions as per the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

“Coaching Client”— the individual, team, or group being coached, the coach under mentorship or supervision, or the coach/student coach under training.

“Coaching”— the act of partnering with Clients in a thought-provoking and inventive process that inspires or enlightens them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

“Coaching Relationship”— a relationship that is established by the BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional and the Client(s)/Sponsor(s) under an agreement or a contract that defines the roles, responsibilities, expectations, and rights of each party.

“Code”— BrainAdvizor Inc. Code of Ethics

“Confidentiality”— unless consent to release is given, protection of any information obtained around the coaching engagement is strictly enforced.

“Conflict of Interest”— a situation wherein a BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional is engaged in multiple interests where serving one interest could be in conflict with another. This could be financial, personal or otherwise.

“Equality”— a situation in which all people experience inclusion, fair opportunity, and access to resources regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, immigration status, mental or physical disability, and other areas of human difference.

“BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional”— all individuals who represent themselves as a BrainAdvizor Inc. Member or service provider.

“BrainAdvizor Inc. Staff”— the BrainAdvizor Inc. support personnel who are under contract by the managing company that provides professional management and administrative services on behalf of BrainAdvizor Inc..

“Internal Coach”— an individual who is employed within an organization and coaches the employees of that organization either part-time or full-time.

“Sponsor”— the entity and representatives paying for and/or arranging or defining the coaching services to be provided.

“Support Personnel”— the people who work for BrainAdvizor Inc.. Professionals in support of their Clients through a Duty of Care.

“Systemic equality”— gender equality, race equality, and other forms of equality that are institutionalized in the ethics, core values, policies, structures, and cultures of communities, organizations, nations and society.

3. BrainAdvizor Inc. Coaching Related Values and Ethical Principles
The BrainAdvizor Inc. Code of Ethics is based on the ICF Core Coaching Values and the actions that derive from them. All values are equally important and support one another, therefore, these values should be used as a means to understand and interpret the standards. All BrainAdvizor Inc. Professionals are expected to showcase, represent, and disseminate these coaching values in all their interactions.

4. Ethical Standards
The following ethical standards are implemented to all professional activities of BrainAdvizor Inc. Professionals:


Section I—Responsibility to Clients
As a BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional, I:

  1. Use all reasonable effort to promote and raise awarenss about the acceptance of BrainAdvizor’s Terms & Conditions, prior to engaging with BrainAdvizor website, products or services. See our BrainAdvizor Terms & Conditions for more details.
  2. Clarify and ensure that my coaching Client(s) and Sponsor(s) understand the nature and potential value of coaching, the nature and limits of confidentiality, financial arrangements, and any other terms of the coaching agreement either prior to or at the initial meeting.
  3. Create an agreement/contract regarding the roles, responsibilities, expectations, and rights of all parties involved with my Client(s) and Sponsor(s) prior to the commencement of services.
  4. Maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all parties as agreed upon. I am cognizant of and agree to comply with all applicable laws that pertain to personal data and communications.
  5. Have a clear and accurate understanding about the method of exchanging information among all parties involved during all coaching interactions.
  6. Have a clear and accurate understanding with both Clients and Sponsors or interested parties about the conditions under which information will not be kept confidential (e.g., illegal activity, if required by law, pursuant to valid court order or subpoena; imminent or likely risk of danger to self or to others; etc.). Where I have sufficient evidence to support one of the above circumstances is applicable, I may need to inform appropriate authorities.
  7. Manage conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest with my coaching Clients and Sponsor(s) through coaching agreement(s) and ongoing dialogue when working as an Internal Coach. This should include addressing expectations, organizational roles, responsibilities, relationships, records, confidentiality and other reporting requirements.
  8. Maintain, store, and dispose of any records, including electronic files and communications created during professional interactions in a manner that fosters confidentiality, security, and privacy, as well as complies with any applicable laws and agreements. Furthermore, I endeavour to make proper use of emerging and growing technological developments that are being used in coaching services (self-regulation coaching services) and be cognizant of how various ethical standards apply to them.
  9. Remain alert to signs of a possible shift in the value received from the coaching relationship. If such is the case, make a change or changes in the relationship, or encourage the Client(s)/Sponsor(s) to seek another coach, another professional, or use a different resource entirely.
  10. Respect all parties’ right to terminate the coaching relationship at any point for any reason during the coaching process subject to the provisions of the agreement.
  11. Am cognizant of the implications of having multiple contracts and/or relationships with the same Client(s) and Sponsor(s) at the same time for the sake of avoiding situations where conflict of interest may occur.
  12. Am cognizant of and actively manage any power or status difference between the Client and me that may arise from cultural, relational, psychological, or contextual issues, and other such issues.
  13. Disclose to my Clients the potential receipt of compensation, as well as other benefits I may receive for referring my Clients to third parties.
  14. Ensure consistent quality of coaching irrespective of the amount or form of agreed compensation in any relationship.


Section II—Responsibility to Practice and Performance
As a BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional, I:

15. Adhere to the BrainAdvizor Inc. Code of Ethics in all my interactions. Should I become aware of a possible breach of the Code by myself or I identify unethical behavior in another BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional, I shall respectfully raise the matter with those involved. If this does not resolve the matter BrainAdvizor Inc. will take reasonable action to resolve or gain assistance.

16. Require compliance to the BrainAdvizor Inc. Code of Ethics by all Support Personnel.

17. Commit to quality delivery and excellence through continued personal, professional, and ethical development.

18. Am aware of my personal limitations or circumstances that may impair, conflict with, or interfere with my coaching performance or my professional coaching relationships. I will reach out for support to determine the action to be taken and, if necessary, promptly seek relevant professional guidance. This may include suspending or terminating my coaching relationship(s).

19. Resolve any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest by either working through the issue with relevant parties, seeking professional assistance, or suspending temporarily or ending the professional relationship altogether.

20. Maintain the privacy of BrainAdvizor Inc. Members and use the BrainAdvizor Inc. Member contact information (email addresses, telephone numbers, and so on) only as authorized by BrainAdvizor Inc. or the BrainAdvizor Inc. Member.


Section III—Responsibility to Professionalism
As an BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional, I:

21. Use all reasonable effort to promote and raise awareness about the acceptance of BrainAdvizor’s Disclaimer, prior to engaging with BrainAdvizor website, products or services. See our BrainAdvizor Disclaimer for more details.

22. Identify my precise coaching qualifications, as well as my level of coaching expertise, experience, training, certifications, BrainAdvizor Inc. Credentials, and other such evidence of competency.

23. Establish true and accurate verbal and written statements about the coaching profession, the potential value of coaching, what I offer as a BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional, what is offered by BrainAdvizor Inc..

24. Communicate and raise awareness among those who need to be cognizant of the ethical responsibilities defined by this Code.

25. Hold responsibility for being cognizant of and establishing clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern interactions, physical or otherwise, during all interactions with Client(s) and Sponsor(s) or interested parties.

26. Do not participate in any sexual or romantic engagement with Client(s) or Sponsor(s). I will be mindful of the level of intimacy appropriate for the relationship. I will take appropriate and timely action to tackle the issue or cancel the coaching engagement altogether.


Section IV—Responsibility to Society
As a BrainAdvizor Inc. Professional, I:

27. Avoid discrimination by persevering fairness and equality in all activities and operations, as well as respecting local rules and cultural practices. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination on the basis of age, race, gender expression, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability or military status.

28. Recognize and honour the contributions and intellectual properties of others, and only claim ownership of my own material.

29. Am honest, transparent, and mindful, and consciously work within recognized scientific standards, relevant subject guidelines, and boundaries of my competence when conducting and reporting research.


BrainAdvizor Guidelines 

The following are our own, in house, guidelines to being a BrainAdvizer explorer, customer or supporter:

Be Authentic

If you are not being true to yourself then you are living a lonely existence. Be proud of who you are and who you want to be. Contribute your stories, experiences, and feedback from the heart. You are here to learn and grow.


This is a shared learning environment that thrives on collaboration and contribution from all. Everyone can participate in their own way and this is not a competition. Be curious, be active, be different.

Be kind to others 

You may have more experience with online and mobile discussion forums than the person sitting next to you. Give them a hand. Show them it’s not that hard. They’re really going to appreciate it and you will feel good from helping someone other than yourself.

Respect Others

Read everything in the discussion thread before replying. This will help you avoid repeating something someone else has already contributed. Acknowledge the points made with which you agree and suggest alternatives for those with which you don’t.

Keep it Simple

You want to be clear—and to articulate your point—while being open-minded and humble to other perspectives. Be direct. Stay on point and keep your audience focused with succinct. communications.

Respect Diversity & Inclusivity 

It’s a multicultural world in which we live. Use no language that is offensive—or could be construed as such— toward others. Racist, sexist or any other prejudice related comments are unacceptable, as are derogatory and/or sarcastic jokes directed at religious beliefs, disabilities, and age.

Be Polite

If you want to rant and vent with a big toxic dump please use our Dumpster service. Otherwise, be polite and refrain from using bold, UPPER CASE letters as this is a peaceful learning zone.

Proper Writing Style 

This is very helpful. Write as if you were writing a school paper even though you are not being judged. This is about you taking pride in your own personal development. Use the auto-correct function for spelling and grammar and ask a trainer for help if need be. Online discussions are no different.

Cite Your Sources When Possible

This is always very helpful and gives proper credit where credit is due. If your contribution to the conversation includes the intellectual property (authored material) of others, e.g., books, newspaper, magazine, or journal articles—online or print—try your best to cite where the source came from.

Please report technical problems or glitches

Online discussions are electronic and sometimes they break. If for any reason you are having difficulty participating, please call, email, or otherwise inform us of the issue. Chances are that others are experiencing similar issues and we would really appreciate your help. Thanks.


Read your post out loud before hitting the send button. This will tell you a lot about whether your tone is appropriate, and your contribution clear or not. Be mindful that you want to convey that your criticism is constructive, collaborative and self-reflective. You’re here to train your brain so focus on you.

The above guidelines for online and mobile behavioural conduct at BrainAdvizor must be accepted by all users {visitors and members} and are taken very seriously. We monitor to ensure safety, freedom of judgment, respect and tolerance throughout our business. We are committed to providing the highest level of customer service to our clients and we reserve the right to withhold membership from individuals who do not adhere to our conduct guidelines.


Contact Information

For further information about BRAINADVIZOR’s privacy policy, please contact us using our contact us page.

Please remember to read, acknowledge and accept our other important BrainAdvizor pages prior to engaging with BrainAdvizor Products or Services, offline or online: 

Thank you for acknowledging and accepting our Code of Ethics (& Guidelines). This policy has been compiled with professional due diligence and positive intent for both yourself and BRAINADVIZOR Inc..